bio do coletivo
um cavalo disse mamãe é um coletivo independente, multidisciplinar e transfronteiriço, que surgiu em Portugal em 2022 a partir do encontro de Francisco Thiago Cavalcanti, Piero Ramella, Bárbara Cordeiro e Francisca Pinto. No contexto do Programa Avançado de Criação em Artes Performativas 5, promovido pelo Forum Dança e que teve, nesta edição, a curadoria do coreógrafo e pesquisador João Fiadeiro, os quatro artistas criaram a peça “Também se matam cavalos”, e desde então desenvolvem um trabalho de investigação continuada que aborda entre outros temas a condição humana e animal em uma relação dialógica, poética e simbólica.
Em sua curta, porém rica trajetória, o coletivo vem agregando outros artistas como Sara Paternesi, Daniel Pizamiglio, Yaw Tembe e Walesca Timmen.
Como repertório possui três peças:
“Também se matam cavalos” (2022), “Quando eu morrer me enterrem na floresta” (2023) e “52blue” (2024).
Em 2025 estreia a peça "CANTAR", produzida pelo Alkantara e co-produzida pelo Teatro Municipal do Porto. O coletivo também pretende desenvolver a adaptação da obra literária "O gato malhado e a andorinha Sinhá", voltada para a infância.
Atualmente o coletivo é formado por três brasileiros, duas portuguesas, dois italianos e um suazilandês.
Fazemos parte da luta dos movimentos minoritários e acreditamos em uma abordagem artística que provoca a ação, a reflexão e a transformação.
Em sua curta, porém rica trajetória, o coletivo vem agregando outros artistas como Sara Paternesi, Daniel Pizamiglio, Yaw Tembe e Walesca Timmen.
Como repertório possui três peças:
“Também se matam cavalos” (2022), “Quando eu morrer me enterrem na floresta” (2023) e “52blue” (2024).
Em 2025 estreia a peça "CANTAR", produzida pelo Alkantara e co-produzida pelo Teatro Municipal do Porto. O coletivo também pretende desenvolver a adaptação da obra literária "O gato malhado e a andorinha Sinhá", voltada para a infância.
Atualmente o coletivo é formado por três brasileiros, duas portuguesas, dois italianos e um suazilandês.
Fazemos parte da luta dos movimentos minoritários e acreditamos em uma abordagem artística que provoca a ação, a reflexão e a transformação.
um cavalo disse mamãe is an independent, multidisciplinary and cross-border collective that emerged in Portugal in 2022 from the meeting of Francisco Thiago Cavalcanti, Piero Ramella, Bárbara Cordeiro and Francisca Pinto. In the context of the Advanced Creation Programme in Performing Arts 5, promoted by Forum Dança and curated in this edition by choreographer and researcher João Fiadeiro, the four artists created the piece “Também se matam cavalos”, and since then they have developed a work of continuous research that addresses, among other themes, the human and animal condition in a dialogical, poetic and symbolic relationship.
In its short but rich trajectory, the collective has brought together other artists such as Sara Paternesi, Daniel Pizamiglio, Yaw Tembe and Walesca Timmen.
Its repertoire includes three plays:
“Também se matam cavalos” (2022), “Quando eu morrer me enterrem na floresta” (2023) and “52blue” (2024).
In 2025 it will premiere the play “CANTAR”, produced by Alkantara and co-produced by the Teatro Municipal do Porto. The collective also plans to develop an adaptation of the literary work “O gato malhado e a andorinha Sinhá”, aimed at children.
The collective is currently composed of three brazilians, two portuguese, two italians and one swazilander.
We are part of the struggle for minority movements and believe in an artistic approach that provokes action, reflection and transformation.
In its short but rich trajectory, the collective has brought together other artists such as Sara Paternesi, Daniel Pizamiglio, Yaw Tembe and Walesca Timmen.
Its repertoire includes three plays:
“Também se matam cavalos” (2022), “Quando eu morrer me enterrem na floresta” (2023) and “52blue” (2024).
In 2025 it will premiere the play “CANTAR”, produced by Alkantara and co-produced by the Teatro Municipal do Porto. The collective also plans to develop an adaptation of the literary work “O gato malhado e a andorinha Sinhá”, aimed at children.
The collective is currently composed of three brazilians, two portuguese, two italians and one swazilander.
We are part of the struggle for minority movements and believe in an artistic approach that provokes action, reflection and transformation.
Bárbara Cordeiro
Bárbara (PT) é artista da dança e performance. Participou no PACAP 5 - Programa Avançado de Criação em Artes Performativas do Forum Dança, em Lisboa, com curadoria de João Fiadeiro, Márcia Lança, Carolina Campos e Daniel Pizamiglio e completou a FOR Dance Theater da Companhia Olga Roriz. Estudou produção no CGPAE- Curso de Gestão e Produção das Artes do Espetáculo do Forum Dança e na Instável-Centro Coreográfico. Na sua pesquisa interessa-se por pensar na imaginação como possível campo semântico do quotidiano. Colaborou com a artista Nicole Gomes na criação de “Cinza” (2023) e colabora com o artista Roberto Dagô no projeto de investigação “Oceanos Minúsculos”. Fez “O que fazer daqui para trás? (versão expandida)” (2024) na “INTROSPECTIVA” - retrospectiva do trabalho do coreógrafo João Fiadeiro, no MAC/CCB. Desde 2022 trabalha com Francisco Thiago Cavalcanti e o coletivo “um cavalo disse mamãe”.
Bárbara (PT) is a dance and performance artist. She did PACAP 5 - Advanced Creation Programme in Performing Arts at Forum Dança in Lisbon, curated by João Fiadeiro, Márcia Lança, Carolina Campos and Daniel Pizamiglio, and completed FOR Dance Theater at Companhia Olga Roriz.
She studied production at the CGPAE - Course in Management and Production of the Performing Arts at Forum Dança and at Instável - Choreographic Centre.
In her research she is interested in thinking about imagination as a possible semantic field of everyday life. She collaborated with the artist Nicole Gomes in the creation of “Cinza” (2023) and collaborates with the artist Roberto Dagô in the research project “Oceanos Minúsculos”. She performed “O que fazer daqui para trás? (versão expandida)” (2024) in “INTROSPECTIVA” - a retrospective of the work of choreographer João Fiadeiro at MAC/CCB. Since 2022 she has been working with Francisco Thiago Cavalcanti and the collective “um cavalo disse mamãe”.
Bárbara (PT) is a dance and performance artist. She did PACAP 5 - Advanced Creation Programme in Performing Arts at Forum Dança in Lisbon, curated by João Fiadeiro, Márcia Lança, Carolina Campos and Daniel Pizamiglio, and completed FOR Dance Theater at Companhia Olga Roriz.
She studied production at the CGPAE - Course in Management and Production of the Performing Arts at Forum Dança and at Instável - Choreographic Centre.
In her research she is interested in thinking about imagination as a possible semantic field of everyday life. She collaborated with the artist Nicole Gomes in the creation of “Cinza” (2023) and collaborates with the artist Roberto Dagô in the research project “Oceanos Minúsculos”. She performed “O que fazer daqui para trás? (versão expandida)” (2024) in “INTROSPECTIVA” - a retrospective of the work of choreographer João Fiadeiro at MAC/CCB. Since 2022 she has been working with Francisco Thiago Cavalcanti and the collective “um cavalo disse mamãe”.

Francisca Pinto
Francisca Pinto, nasceu em 1988 em Lisboa. Bailarina, performer, intérprete, criadora e professora. Formada pela Escola de Dança do Conservatório Nacional de Lisboa em 2006 e licenciada pela Escola Superior de Dança de Lisboa em 2009. Formada pelo Forum Dança no PEPCC – Programa de Estudo Pesquisa e Criação Coreográfica, em 2014. Trabalhou com Martine Pisani, Clara Andermatt, Lia Rodrigues, Jonas&Lander, Bruno Alexandre, Francisco T. Cavalcanti, Sofia Dias&Vitor Roriz, entre outros. Como professora leciona em instituições como Escola Livre de Dança da Maré (BR), Estúdios Vítor Córdon, Escola Superior de Dança (PT). É Instrutora de Yoga formada pelo Centro Português de Yoga em Lisboa. Mãe de Valentim e Makeda.
Francisca Pinto was born in 1988 in Lisbon. She is a dancer, performer, interpreter, creator, and teacher. She graduated from the Escola de Dança do Conservatório Nacional in 2006 and earned a degree from the Escola Superior de Dança in 2009. In 2014, she completed the PEPCC – Programa de Estudo Pesquisa e Criação Coreográfica at Fórum Dança. She has worked with Martine Pisani, Clara Andermatt, Lia Rodrigues, Jonas&Lander, Bruno Alexandre, Francisco T. Cavalcanti, Sofia Dias&Vitor Roriz, among others. As a teacher, she has taught at institutions such as Escola Livre de Dança da Maré (BR), Estúdios Vítor Córdon, and Escola Superior de Dança (PT). She is also a certified Yoga Instructor, trained at the Centro Português de Yoga in Lisbon. Mother of Valentim and Makeda.
Francisca Pinto was born in 1988 in Lisbon. She is a dancer, performer, interpreter, creator, and teacher. She graduated from the Escola de Dança do Conservatório Nacional in 2006 and earned a degree from the Escola Superior de Dança in 2009. In 2014, she completed the PEPCC – Programa de Estudo Pesquisa e Criação Coreográfica at Fórum Dança. She has worked with Martine Pisani, Clara Andermatt, Lia Rodrigues, Jonas&Lander, Bruno Alexandre, Francisco T. Cavalcanti, Sofia Dias&Vitor Roriz, among others. As a teacher, she has taught at institutions such as Escola Livre de Dança da Maré (BR), Estúdios Vítor Córdon, and Escola Superior de Dança (PT). She is also a certified Yoga Instructor, trained at the Centro Português de Yoga in Lisbon. Mother of Valentim and Makeda.

Francisco Thiago Cavalcanti
Francisco Thiago Cavalcanti (1984), brasileiro, artista da dança, do teatro e da performance, bacharel em Dança, mestre em Educação, doutorando em Literaturas e Culturas Modernas, queer, não-branco, neurodiverso. Começou sua trajetória artística aos 9 anos. Fundador e diretor artístico do coletivo independente, multidisciplinar e transfronteiriço “um cavalo disse mamãe”, baseado em Lisboa. Vive entre Portugal e Brasil. Pesquisa, entre outras coisas, o comportamento animal não-humano, suas poéticas e simbologias, o teatro físico e a dança-teatro. No Rio de Janeiro, colaborou sete anos com a coreógrafa Lia Rodrigues; essa experiência ecoa fortemente em seu trabalho autoral. As peças que criou são: “Contra a espada” (2005), “Cabíria corta o cabelo” (2013), “Mãe” (2015), “Um corpo foi achado” (2018), “Também se matam cavalos” (2022), “Quando eu morrer me enterrem na floresta” (2023) e “52blue” (2024).
Francisco Thiago Cavalcanti (1984) is a Brazilian artist working in dance, theater, and performance. He holds a bachelor's degree in Dance, a master’s degree in Education, and is pursuing a PhD in Modern Literatures and Cultures. Queer, non-white, and neurodiverse, he began his artistic journey at the age of 9. He is the founder and artistic director of the independent, multidisciplinary, and transboundary collective “um cavalo disse mamãe”, based in Lisbon. Living between Portugal and Brazil, his research focuses, among other topics, on non-human animal behavior, its poetics and symbolisms, physical theater, and dance-theater. In Rio de Janeiro, he collaborated for seven years with choreographer Lia Rodrigues, an experience that strongly resonates in his own work. His creations include: “Contra a espada” (2005), “Cabíria corta o cabelo” (2013), “Mãe” (2015), “Um corpo foi achado” (2018), “Também se matam cavalos” (2022), “Quando eu morrer me enterrem na floresta” (2023), and “52blue” (2024).
Francisco Thiago Cavalcanti (1984) is a Brazilian artist working in dance, theater, and performance. He holds a bachelor's degree in Dance, a master’s degree in Education, and is pursuing a PhD in Modern Literatures and Cultures. Queer, non-white, and neurodiverse, he began his artistic journey at the age of 9. He is the founder and artistic director of the independent, multidisciplinary, and transboundary collective “um cavalo disse mamãe”, based in Lisbon. Living between Portugal and Brazil, his research focuses, among other topics, on non-human animal behavior, its poetics and symbolisms, physical theater, and dance-theater. In Rio de Janeiro, he collaborated for seven years with choreographer Lia Rodrigues, an experience that strongly resonates in his own work. His creations include: “Contra a espada” (2005), “Cabíria corta o cabelo” (2013), “Mãe” (2015), “Um corpo foi achado” (2018), “Também se matam cavalos” (2022), “Quando eu morrer me enterrem na floresta” (2023), and “52blue” (2024).

Piero Ramella
Piero Ramella é um artista da performance e pesquisador, tem formação em pintura e é professor de capoeira. Em 2014, formou-se em Filosofia pela Universidade de Trieste com uma tese sobre as interseções entre antropologia e filosofia da linguagem na obra de Ludwig Wittgenstein. Em 2015, juntou-se ao coletivo artístico multimídia Kokoschka Revival (Milão). Em 2016, iniciou uma colaboração duradoura com a companhia de teatro Anagoor (Leão de Prata na Bienal de Teatro de Veneza de 2018), com quem trabalha como performer e dramaturgo. Entre 2018 e 2020, participou do programa de pós-mestrado a.pass (Bruxelas) com um projeto de pesquisa compartilhado com a dançarina e pesquisadora Lucia Palladino. Em 2021, participou no PACAP 5 no Forum Dança (Lisboa), com curadoria de João Fiadeiro. Desde 2022, trabalha como performer com o dançarino e coreógrafo Francisco Thiago Cavalcanti e o coletivo “um cavalo disse mamãe” (Lisboa).
Piero Ramella is a performing artist and researcher. He has a background in painting and is a capoeira teacher. In 2014 he graduated in Philosophy at the University of Trieste with a thesis on the intersections between anthropology and philosophy of language in Ludwig Wittgenstein's work. In 2015 he joined the multimedia artistic collective Kokoschka Revival (Milan). In 2016 he started an enduring collaboration with Anagoor theater company (Silver Lion at the Theater Venice Biennale 2018), with whom he works as performer and dramaturg. Between 2018 and 2020 he followed the a.pass Post-Master Program (Brussels) with a research project shared with the dancer and researcher Lucia Palladino. In 2021 he did PACAP 5 program in Forum Dança (Lisbon), curated by João Fiadeiro. Since 2022 he works as a performer with the dancer and choreographer Francisco Thiago Cavalcanti and the collective “um cavalo disse mamãe” (Lisbon).
Piero Ramella is a performing artist and researcher. He has a background in painting and is a capoeira teacher. In 2014 he graduated in Philosophy at the University of Trieste with a thesis on the intersections between anthropology and philosophy of language in Ludwig Wittgenstein's work. In 2015 he joined the multimedia artistic collective Kokoschka Revival (Milan). In 2016 he started an enduring collaboration with Anagoor theater company (Silver Lion at the Theater Venice Biennale 2018), with whom he works as performer and dramaturg. Between 2018 and 2020 he followed the a.pass Post-Master Program (Brussels) with a research project shared with the dancer and researcher Lucia Palladino. In 2021 he did PACAP 5 program in Forum Dança (Lisbon), curated by João Fiadeiro. Since 2022 he works as a performer with the dancer and choreographer Francisco Thiago Cavalcanti and the collective “um cavalo disse mamãe” (Lisbon).

artistas convidados
Daniel Pizamiglio
Daniel Pizamiglio é um coreógrafo, performer e pesquisador queer, brasileiro migrante baseado em Lisboa. Trabalha no contexto da dança e das artes performativas, explorando noções e práticas do encontro, da poesia concreta e de luto. Desde 2009, investiga Composição em Tempo Real com João Fiadeiro, explorando diferentes dispositivos de estudo, prática e transmissão desta metodologia internacionalmente. Em 2016 concluiu o Programa de Estudo, Investigação e Criação Coreográfica do Forum Dança (Lisboa) com o solo "Dança Concreta" e em 2023 estreou a performance “M”. Como performer colaborou com diversos artistas como Andreia Pires, Andréa Bardawil, Filipe Pereira, Francisco Thiago Cavalcanti, João dos Santos Martins, Luis Garay, Leonardo Mouramateus, Miguel Oliva Teles, Márcia Lança e Vera Mantero.
Daniel Pizamiglio is a queer choreographer, performer, and researcher, a Brazilian migrant based in Lisbon. He works in the context of dance and performing arts, exploring notions and practices of encounter, concrete poetry, and mourning. Since 2009, he has been investigating Real-Time Composition with João Fiadeiro, exploring various research, practice, and transmission tools for this methodology internationally. In 2016, he completed PEPCC – Programa de Estudo Pesquisa e Criação Coreográfica at Forum Dança (Lisbon) with the solo piece “Dança Concreta”, and in 2023 he premiered the performance “M”. As a performer, he has collaborated with various artists, including Andreia Pires, Andréa Bardawil, Filipe Pereira, Francisco Thiago Cavalcanti, João dos Santos Martins, Luis Garay, Leonardo Mouramateus, Miguel Oliva Teles, Márcia Lança, and Vera Mantero.
Daniel Pizamiglio is a queer choreographer, performer, and researcher, a Brazilian migrant based in Lisbon. He works in the context of dance and performing arts, exploring notions and practices of encounter, concrete poetry, and mourning. Since 2009, he has been investigating Real-Time Composition with João Fiadeiro, exploring various research, practice, and transmission tools for this methodology internationally. In 2016, he completed PEPCC – Programa de Estudo Pesquisa e Criação Coreográfica at Forum Dança (Lisbon) with the solo piece “Dança Concreta”, and in 2023 he premiered the performance “M”. As a performer, he has collaborated with various artists, including Andreia Pires, Andréa Bardawil, Filipe Pereira, Francisco Thiago Cavalcanti, João dos Santos Martins, Luis Garay, Leonardo Mouramateus, Miguel Oliva Teles, Márcia Lança, and Vera Mantero.

Sara Paternesi
Sara Paternesi nasceu em Fabriano (IT) a 15 de março de 1993, onde iniciou a sua formação em dança em 2000. O estudo da dança contemporânea é prosseguido em Milão, na Academia de Arte Dramática Paolo Grassi, onde dançou para coreógrafos e diretores como: Marco Baliani, Luca Veggetti, Sang Jijia, Cesc Gelabert e Lydia Azzopardi. Para aprofundar a improvisação e as técnicas somáticas, mudou-se para Berlim, onde frequentou o Dance Intensive (Tanzfabrik) e se formou como instrutora de BASI® Pilates CTTC. Em 2017, participa na produção “Erodiade fame di vento” na Compagnia Xe e coreografa o seu primeiro espetáculo “In Sospeso” que é premiado no festival Prospettiva Danza. Em 2020, dança na ópera “Marino Faliero”, com direção de Stefano Ricci e é coautora do espetáculo “Tsumud”, apresentado em Jerusalém e Tel Aviv. Vive em Lisboa desde 2022, onde dançou para Madalena Victorino e Ana Rita Barata, colabora com o colectivo “um cavalo disse mamãe" e faz parte do ensamble “Asteria”.
Sara Paternesi was born in Fabriano (IT) on March 15, 1993, where she began her dance training in 2000. She continued her contemporary dance studies in Milan at the Paolo Grassi Academy of Dramatic Arts, performing for choreographers and directors such as Marco Baliani, Luca Veggetti, Sang Jijia, Cesc Gelabert, and Lydia Azzopardi. To deepen her practice in improvisation and somatic techniques, she moved to Berlin, where she attended the Dance Intensive program (Tanzfabrik) and became a certified BASI® Pilates CTTC instructor. In 2017, she participated in the production “Erodiade fame di vento” with Compagnia Xe and choreographed her first piece, “In Sospeso”, which won an award at the Prospettiva Danza festival. In 2020, she performed in the opera “Marino Faliero” directed by Stefano Ricci, co-created the performance “Tsumud” presented in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. She has lived in Lisbon since 2022, where she danced for Madalena Victorino and Ana Rita Barata, collaborates with the collective “um cavalo disse mamãe” and is part of the ensemble “Asteria”.
Sara Paternesi was born in Fabriano (IT) on March 15, 1993, where she began her dance training in 2000. She continued her contemporary dance studies in Milan at the Paolo Grassi Academy of Dramatic Arts, performing for choreographers and directors such as Marco Baliani, Luca Veggetti, Sang Jijia, Cesc Gelabert, and Lydia Azzopardi. To deepen her practice in improvisation and somatic techniques, she moved to Berlin, where she attended the Dance Intensive program (Tanzfabrik) and became a certified BASI® Pilates CTTC instructor. In 2017, she participated in the production “Erodiade fame di vento” with Compagnia Xe and choreographed her first piece, “In Sospeso”, which won an award at the Prospettiva Danza festival. In 2020, she performed in the opera “Marino Faliero” directed by Stefano Ricci, co-created the performance “Tsumud” presented in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. She has lived in Lisbon since 2022, where she danced for Madalena Victorino and Ana Rita Barata, collaborates with the collective “um cavalo disse mamãe” and is part of the ensemble “Asteria”.

Yaw Tembe
Yaw Tembe é um artista e curador natural da Suazilândia, e há vários anos residente em Portugal. Tem vindo a desenvolver um trabalho caracterizado pela exploração dos conceitos de transitoriedade e fragilidade num processo que tem cruzado várias áreas de criação - artes plásticas, vídeo, dança; a música tem sido o maior pretexto para a experimentação em projetos como “GUME”, “Zarabatana”, “Sirius” e “Chão Maior”, investigando a ressonância como uma interação entre tempo-percurso, gesto-objeto e espaço-paisagem. Tem trabalho publicado em editoras como Clean Feed (PT), three: four records (CH), Facada Records (PT) , A giant Fern (UK) e Tsss Tape (IT). Além disso, colaborou com Marlene Freitas, Evan Parker, Joshua Abrams & The Natural Information Society, Flora Detraz e Orphy Robinson. Atua, desde 2020, como programador de música e artes sonoras no Teatro do Bairro Alto em Lisboa e é co-director/fundador da editora FacadaRecords.
Yaw Tembe is an artist and curator from Eswatini, and has been living in Portugal for several years. He has been developing work characterized by the exploration of the concepts of transience and fragility, in a process that intersects various fields of creation – visual arts, video, dance. Music has been the main impetus for experimentation in projects such as “GUME”, “Zarabatana”, “Sirius”, and “Chão Maior”, investigating resonance as an interaction between time-path, gesture-object, and space-landscape. His work has been published on labels such as Clean Feed (PT), three: four records (CH), Facada Records (PT), A Giant Fern (UK), and Tsss Tape (IT). Additionally, he has collaborated with Marlene Freitas, Evan Parker, Joshua Abrams & The Natural Information Society, Flora Detraz and Orphy Robinson. Since 2020, he is the music and sound arts programmer at Teatro do Bairro Alto in Lisbon and is a co-director/founder of the label FacadaRecords.
Yaw Tembe is an artist and curator from Eswatini, and has been living in Portugal for several years. He has been developing work characterized by the exploration of the concepts of transience and fragility, in a process that intersects various fields of creation – visual arts, video, dance. Music has been the main impetus for experimentation in projects such as “GUME”, “Zarabatana”, “Sirius”, and “Chão Maior”, investigating resonance as an interaction between time-path, gesture-object, and space-landscape. His work has been published on labels such as Clean Feed (PT), three: four records (CH), Facada Records (PT), A Giant Fern (UK), and Tsss Tape (IT). Additionally, he has collaborated with Marlene Freitas, Evan Parker, Joshua Abrams & The Natural Information Society, Flora Detraz and Orphy Robinson. Since 2020, he is the music and sound arts programmer at Teatro do Bairro Alto in Lisbon and is a co-director/founder of the label FacadaRecords.

Walesca Timmen
Walesca Timmen, brasileira, artista visual, é Mestre em Arte Contemporânea com ênfase em Arte e Tecnologia pelo PPGART/UFSM, Brasil. Foi integrante do Grupo de Pesquisa Arte e Tecnologia/CNPq e do Labart - UFSM. Participou como artista convidada da exposição FACTORS 4.0, que integrou a BIENALSUR de Arte Contemporânea em Buenos Aires, Argentina. Esteve no ISEA e no 16º International Image Festival em Manizales, Colômbia, e foi artista convidada do Projeto RS Contemporâneo promovido pelo Santander Cultural, em Porto Alegre, Brasil. Premiada no XVI Salão de Artes Visuais da Universidade Feevale, é Bacharel em Artes Visuais pela Feevale, com período sanduíche no Instituto Politécnico de Leiria, Portugal. Atua como artista e pesquisadora, com foco em arte contemporânea, arte e tecnologia, fotografia e artes do vídeo.
Walesca Timmen, a brazilian visual artist, holds a Master's degree in Contemporary Art with an emphasis on Art and Technology from PPGART/UFSM, Brazil. She was a member of the Art and Technology Research Group/CNPq and the Labart - UFSM. She participated as a guest artist in the FACTORS 4.0 exhibition, which was part of BIENALSUR for Contemporary Art in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She also took part in ISEA and the 16th International Image Festival in Manizales, Colombia, and was a guest artist in the RS Contemporâneo Project promoted by Santander Cultural in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Awarded at the XVI Visual Arts Salon at Feevale University, she holds a Bachelor’s degree in Visual Arts from Feevale, with an academic exchange at the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Portugal. She works as an artist and researcher, focusing on contemporary art, art and technology, photography, and video arts.
Walesca Timmen, a brazilian visual artist, holds a Master's degree in Contemporary Art with an emphasis on Art and Technology from PPGART/UFSM, Brazil. She was a member of the Art and Technology Research Group/CNPq and the Labart - UFSM. She participated as a guest artist in the FACTORS 4.0 exhibition, which was part of BIENALSUR for Contemporary Art in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She also took part in ISEA and the 16th International Image Festival in Manizales, Colombia, and was a guest artist in the RS Contemporâneo Project promoted by Santander Cultural in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Awarded at the XVI Visual Arts Salon at Feevale University, she holds a Bachelor’s degree in Visual Arts from Feevale, with an academic exchange at the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Portugal. She works as an artist and researcher, focusing on contemporary art, art and technology, photography, and video arts.